Strategic Advocacy & Policy Engagement

About Us

SKV Advocacy Provides a Team-Oriented Approach

Whether it’s legislative strategy, regulatory support, project and program funding development, budget process expertise, procurement, or overall policy guidance, SKV Advocacy has strategically assembled a team of experts to meet our clients’ needs. The firm has deep expertise in the areas of healthcare, pharma, natural resources, water, infrastructure, energy, transportation, general business issues and more and has widespread relationships with the Governor’s office and state agencies and departments, Legislative leadership and rank and file members including key committee chairs and members and staff of policy and budget committees.

The principals of SKV Advocacy have garnered a reputation as some of the most trusted, effective lobbyists in Sacramento. Our entire team are what we refer to as “shoe leather lobbyists.” That means we don’t do our jobs from behind our desks; on most given days we are in the Capitol or state buildings meeting or engaging with legislators, legislative staff, administration officials, regulatory agencies and civil service staff. We commit ourselves to integrity, teamwork, and open communication while vigorously pursuing the interests of our clients.

California Capitol

SKV Advocacy staff is also regularly present in Washington D.C. and provides federal consulting services for clients to improve relationships with Congressional representatives and agencies, secure federal funding, and impact joint federal, state, and regional efforts. SKV Advocacy offers strong connections to California’s Congressional delegation, including key policy-makers and appropriators in the United States House and Senate.

Our Team

Mark Smith

Mark Smith

Mark Smith, MBA is a Principal of SKV Advocacy. Founder of Smith Policy group, a leading California government relations firm in California’s capital city, Mark launched his firm in 2018 after 11 years as a lobbyist working for trade associations, non-profits, utility companies and large Fortune 500 organizations. Earlier in his career Mark held a variety of positions in both the California State Assembly and the California State Senate. Mark is a veteran of California policy and politics, have worked in the field in one capacity or another for over 20 years.

Read more about Mark Smith

Smith Policy Group provides a team-oriented approach to solving clients’ legislative, regulatory, and funding priorities. Whether its legislative strategy, regulatory support, project and program funding development, budget process expertise, or overall policy guidance, the firm has deep expertise and widespread relationships with Legislative leadership and the Governor’s office, including key committee chairs, staff and members of policy and budget committees to accomplish clients’ objectives.

Prior to founding SKV and Smith Policy Group, Mark was a contract lobbyist and Senior Policy Advisor at Environmental and Energy Consulting and Conservation Strategy Group. Before that, Mark was the Western Region Director of Public Policy for Ducks Unlimited, where he directed all local, state, and federal policy and strategy for nine western states. He previously worked as an in-house lobbyist for Sempra Energy, one of the state’s largest investor-owned utilities, and represented ACEC California for 6 years as their in-house lobbyist. He has also worked as a Legislative Director in both the California Senate and Assembly. Mark started his career in policy and politics in the Capital Fellows Programs, a nationally recognized public policy fellowships which offer unique experiences in policy-making and development in each branch of government.

Mark is a Board Member of the Institute for Governmental Advocates, a past president of the Capitol Fellows Alumni program (10 years of services),and has previously served on the California Water Commission’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee for Proposition 1 to guide its implementation. In his “spare” time Mark is an Adjunct Professor at the University of California Davis Graduate School of Management where he has taught a self-created course on Business and Politics for the past 11 years.

Mark graduated with an MBA from University of California, Davis’ Graduate School of Management, and a BS in Microbiology from University of California, Davis.

John Valencia

John Valencia

John R. Valencia, Esq. is Principal of SKV Advocacy. Founder of Valencia Government Relations, Inc., a leading California government relations firm in California’s capital city, John launched his own firm after serving as Senior Partner and Government Relations Department lead for the region’s oldest law firm. Early in his career, John held increasingly-responsible legislative policy consultant posts, followed by service as a state agency appointee in several state health and consumer affairs agencies. Currently, John counsels and represents leaders in the nation’s biotechnology, genomics, biopharmaceutical, research tools and specialized health care industry sectors.

Read more about John Valencia

John is a Past Member and Past Chairman of the City of Sacramento Planning Commission where he oversaw the City’s explosive residential growth and innovative infill and new urbanist projects for a decade. He is a Past Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He is Past Chairman of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Equal Business Opportunity Program (EBOP) Citizens Advisory Panel. He was also a Charter Member of the Sacramento County District Attorney’s Citizens Advisory Committee and completed a ten-year term as a Member of the District Attorney’s Multicultural Cabinet. He served as Treasurer and Legal Counsel for Women in California Leadership, the charitable arm of the California Legislative Women’s Caucus, and held comparable positions with the California Latino Legislative Caucus Foundation and the California Latino Legislative Caucus Leadership PAC – two independent arms of the largest legislative ethnic bloc in the California Legislature.

John is a VSP Global Public Policy Committee Member. He also serves as a Board Director, and Audit Committee Chairman, of the California Prison Healthcare Receivership Corporation, overseeing the state prison system’s compliance with federal court orders. He is a Board Member and Legislative Committee Chair of the Institute of Governmental Advocates (IGA) representing California’s state lobbying corps, and is a long-time member of the California Political Attorneys Association (CPAA).

John is licensed to practice law in all California state courts, and the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California. John’s Bachelor of Arts Degree is from Pomona College. His Juris Doctor degree is from University of Northern California School of Law where he earned Valedictorian honors.

Alex Khan

Alex Khan

Alex Khan, Esq. is a Principal with SKV Advocacy. He accumulated over a decade of prior public policy work experience in the California State Senate, the State Assembly, and Governor Brown’s Administration.

Alex clerked for Justice Catherine Bamugemereire on the Ugandan High Court of Anti-Corruption in 2013. He also studied under U.S. Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Anthony Kennedy. After law school, Alex was accepted into Capitol Fellowship Program, where he spent a year working in the office of Senator Patricia Bates.

Read more about Alex Khan

Alex then joined the budget team at the Department of Finance, where he oversaw budgetary issues for the Department of Justice, the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, The Victim’s Compensation Board, the State Legislature, and numerous other state agencies.

Alex returned to work in the Legislature as a Policy and Budget Consultant, covering Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 1 (Health and Human Services) and Human Services policy issues. He went on to serve as the Principal Health Consultant for the minority caucus, before being named Chief Consultant and Legislative Director for the Assembly Minority Leader, Marie Waldron.

Alex is a veteran of over a half-dozen marathons around the U.S. Alex and wife, Heather, a Fiscal Analyst with a major financial services firm, are devoting much of their home energies keeping pace with their delightful, if very mobile, one-year-old twins, Emma Rose and Maverick, and their sentinel Rhodesian Ridgeback, Justice.

Alex attended the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, Baylor University in Waco, TX, and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government from CSU Sacramento. A member of the California Bar, Alex holds a Juris Doctor from the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law.

Sara Noceto

Sara Noceto

Sara E. Noceto is a Senior Policy Advisor with SKV Advocacy. She has over a decade of experience working in state government for both the legislative and executive branches. With a strong background in policy analysis, bill writing, and advocacy, she has proven expertise in navigating California’s complex legislative and regulatory environment.

Sara most recently served as a Legislative Representative for the California Department of Education (CDE), where she monitored legislative, regulatory, and budget activity and served as liaison between the CDE and the Legislature, public education organizations, and other entities.

Read more about Sara Noceto

She staffed bills throughout the legislative process and advised the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) on his bill package. Sara also advocated for CDE positions on legislation and represented the SSPI and the department in committee testimony, speaking events, site visits, and other official engagements.

Prior to joining the CDE, Sara served as a Consultant for the California State Senate Office of Research, where she assisted Senators and staff throughout the legislative process, including generating bill ideas, crafting and amending legislation, and preparing briefing materials for hearings for a variety of policy areas. She also served as the State Senate’s federal liaison on education policy.

Earlier in her career, Sara worked as a Government Performance Auditor for the Office of the California State Auditor, where she evaluated the effectiveness of governmental programs and drafted reports for both public and legislative audiences. She also worked as a Legislative Assistant for the Office of Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., where she staffed bills and prepared analysis and advice regarding pending legislation.

Sara is a 6th generation Californian. She holds degrees in Economics and International Relations from the University of California, Davis. She also serves on the Yolo County Arts Board.

We Amplify Your Message

Our Services

We work with clients to identify their key policy objectives, build coalitions to support legislative engagement, and testify before legislative and regulatory bodies. We also monitor over 2,500 pieces of legislation annually.

The SKV team relies on strong networks and deep experience to advise our clients on successful engagement strategies with appointees, regulators, and professional staff.

We work with our clients to promote state and federal investments for natural resource, infrastructure, and other funding priorities. SKV staff are skilled in helping clients access grant funding from a variety of state and federal agencies, including voter-approved propositions.

SKV Advocacy helps clients make their presence felt in face-to-face meeting on Capitol Hill, in Sacramento, and district offices. We offer a full menu of services from drafting talking points and leave behinds, finding key note speakers, and hosting legislative receptions.

SKV team members have extensive experience working on and managing ballot measure campaigns, including previous infrastructure, water, parks, and resources bonds approved by California voters over the past decade.

Chart a Proactive Path

We Listen and Learn From You

We work with you to define the issues and the desired outcomes, as well as any challenges along the way. Utilizing research, policy, politics, collaboration, established relationships, and proven tactics, our analysis then converts that information into an actionable plan for results.

Contact Us

    1001 K St., 6th Floor
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    (916) 701-8999